Becoming a 2022-23 Reintegra Sponsor
To Reintegrate, the english translation of Reintegra, means to take what is broken and make Whole.
This is our passion at Reintegra. We want to see the lives of those who have been victimized by the injustice of human trafficking be made whole. This is symbolized in our origami hummingbird logo that was created by a survivor. Seeing these women thrive is behind everything we do.
We want to invite your business into this mission by becoming a 2022-2023 sponsor.
With a small investment of $300, $600 or whatever you able to contribute, you can help cover the cost of our in-person events planned for this year so that every dollar that is donated can go directly to helping survivors.
In turn, we want to partner with you in promoting your business at our live events, through our social media and our website, and on t-shirts worn by our Stamina for Survivor athletes - those who run 10Ks, marathons, or hike 14ers for survivors.
If you would like to join us, you can make an online donation today below. (If you would like to spread your sponsorship over the course of the next year, choose the monthly option and enter $25 or $50 in the custom option.)
You may also mail a check c/o Reintegra to: PO Box 450 Lafayette CO 80026.
This sponsorship will be from June 2022 to May 2023. If you have any questions or would prefer to make an in-kind donation, please contact us at