Call to Bay Area Artists
Transform Arts Bay Area and Reintegra are proud to announce the Hermana Anti-Trafficking Art Show and Workshop for summer 2021. Reintegra is an anti-trafficking organization on the ground in Mexico City that works to support survivors as they rebuild and reintegrate into society. The Reintegra family has helped survivors gain stable living accommodations, earn collegiate degrees, and ultimately provide financial, emotional, and psychological resources to facilitate restoration and healing. Transform Arts has been honored to partner with Reintegra for a number of years. Transform is a faith-based nonprofit composed of artists that wrestle with questions of faith, art, and culture. They provide space via artistic residencies for artists to train and expand in their mediums, serve their designated cities, grow their leadership skill sets, and take a deeper dive into faith. (To find out more, click: Reintegra or Transform Arts )
WORKSHOP: Applicant must be a Bay Area Artist. The Hermana workshop consists of 4 once-a-week meetings with Alyssa Rodriguez (Transform Arts) on Art & Trauma Informed Care, Art & Advocacy, Art & Policy, and Art & Awareness. Participating artists will receive the testimony of a young woman in residence with Reintegra as their inspiration and source materials for their final pieces to be displayed on July 24th 2021. Bay Area Anti Trafficking Coalition will be offering resources during a class session. Creation time begins after the first class and receiving your source material. After the classes have concluded, Artists will set up 1 or 2 check-in meetings between July 1st-July 19th with Francesca Cipponeri (Transform Arts) to check on the progress of final pieces and offer support.
SHOW: Workshop is mandatory to participate in the show. Artists will display/perform their final works at the Hermana Art show at Warehouse 416 in Oakland, CA at 7pm. Artists will be assigned a load-in time slot. All artwork must be taken down at the conclusion of the show. No exceptions. Artists will have the opportunity to sell their art with a percentage of the profits being designated to Reintegra. Selling the art is optional. Artists will be asked to participate in a Q&A session during the show to speak on their work and answer audience questions. San Francisco Collaborative Against Human Trafficking will be present at the show to offer resources to anyone wanting to continue in human trafficking relief. All art will be documented. The documentations of each artwork will be presented to each participating Reintegra resident. Please keep this in mind when creating final works. RSVP is required for patrons and audiences to attend the show, link will be provided.
Submissions Open May 1st-May 20th
Artists Notified May 24th 2021
CLICK HERE to go to the application page!